Well-experienced people sayings that you should never do these things

Never Compare Your Sex Life with Porn Videos. Because Porn Videos Are Totally Fake.

In today’s world, the internet is flooded with explicit content, often referred to as “adult entertainment” or “porn.” It’s essential to remember that what you see in these videos doesn’t reflect reality. Comparing your own sex life to the performances in porn can be detrimental to your relationships and your self-esteem.

The Unrealistic Portrayal of Sex in Porn Videos

Pornography is a form of entertainment created for adults, but it’s far from an accurate representation of real-life intimate experiences. The actors in these videos are professionals following scripts and often use enhancements to create a fantasy that doesn’t align with typical experiences.

Many individuals, especially those new to sexual relationships, might feel pressure to replicate what they see in these videos. However, it’s crucial to understand that real intimacy is based on trust, communication, and mutual consent, not the sensationalized scenarios in porn.

Never Be Sad for Losing Someone. No One Lasts for a Long Period of Time. Even, You Are Gonna Lose Your Beauty, Money, and Health with Age.

Loss is an inevitable part of life. People come and go, and nothing remains constant. This includes not only relationships but also the changes that come with age.

Coping with Loss and Change

When we lose someone, it’s natural to feel sadness and grief. However, it’s important to remember that change is a part of life’s cycle. People enter our lives and exit for various reasons, and we often have no control over these circumstances.

As time goes on, we all experience the aging process, which can lead to changes in our physical appearance, financial status, and health. Accepting these changes and finding contentment in the present moment is a key aspect of personal growth.

Never Underestimate Failure. Only a Failure Gives You the Proper Perspective of Success.

Failure is often viewed negatively, but it’s an essential part of the journey to success. Without failure, we may never truly appreciate our achievements.

The Value of Failure

Failure provides us with valuable lessons and insights. It teaches resilience, determination, and the importance of perseverance. In fact, some of the most successful people in history have faced multiple failures before reaching their goals.

It’s vital to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success rather than a reason for giving up. Each setback is an opportunity to learn, grow, and ultimately, achieve your dreams.

Never “Trust” Easily on Anyone. Because Trust Is the Most Expensive Thing and So Don’t Trust Blindly. Even, Your Friends Get Jealous When They See Your Progress.

Trust is a delicate and valuable asset. It’s something that should be earned over time and not given away without careful consideration.

Building Trust Carefully

Trusting someone should be a gradual process, based on their actions and consistency. Blindly trusting others can leave you vulnerable to betrayal. In some cases, even close friends may struggle with your success, leading to jealousy and potential breaches of trust.

It’s essential to surround yourself with individuals who support and uplift you, but always exercise caution when placing your trust in someone new.

Never Share Your Password of Social Media Accounts, Email, Internet Banking, and ATM Pin/CVV Number with Anyone. Never!

In the digital age, personal information is a precious commodity, and safeguarding it is crucial to protect your privacy and security.

The Dangers of Sharing Personal Information

Sharing sensitive data such as passwords and PINs with others, even close friends or family, can lead to privacy breaches and financial loss. Hackers and identity thieves are always looking for opportunities to exploit such information.

Always keep your personal data confidential and use strong, unique passwords to protect your online accounts and finances.

Never Get Involved in Sexual Activities Till You Are Not Serious in Your Relationship.

Sexual intimacy should be approached with caution, and it’s important to ensure that both partners are on the same page.

The Importance of Serious Relationships

Engaging in sexual activities should be a conscious and mutual decision in a committed relationship. This ensures both partners are comfortable and ready for this step, leading to a healthier and more fulfilling experience.

Never Believe in That Girl/Boy Who Has Lots of Relationships in Their Past. They Can Easily Manipulate You by Crying Their Bad Past. (Exception Is Everywhere)

Past relationships can provide insight into a person’s character, but it’s essential not to make assumptions based solely on someone’s history.

Red Flags in Past Relationships

While it’s crucial to avoid making blanket judgments, patterns of unhealthy behavior or manipulation can emerge when someone consistently has tumultuous past relationships. Use your judgment, and if someone’s past concerns you, have an open and honest conversation to address any potential issues.

Never Try to Hurt Your Parents. They Have Lots of Expectations from You.

Parents play a significant role in our lives, and their expectations often stem from their love and desire to see us succeed.

Respecting Your Parents

It’s important to recognize and appreciate the sacrifices and expectations your parents have for your well-being. Hurting them can lead to long-lasting emotional scars. Communicate with them and strive to maintain a healthy, respectful relationship.

In Any Situation, Never Think About Ending Your Life. Even Plants Regrow Leaves After One Leaf Is Shed.

Life is a precious gift, and even in the darkest of times, there is hope and potential for growth and change.

The Importance of Life

No matter how difficult life may become, it’s essential to reach out for help and support when facing overwhelming challenges. Just as plants regrow leaves after shedding them, humans can heal, grow, and find happiness after facing adversity.


In a world filled with temptations and challenges, it’s important to remember these valuable life lessons. Embrace change, learn from failure, build trust carefully, protect your personal information, prioritize serious relationships, and respect your parents. Most importantly, cherish life and seek help when needed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I differentiate between a trustworthy and an untrustworthy person? Trustworthy individuals often demonstrate consistent, reliable behavior over time. They are open, honest, and supportive. If someone raises concerns, address them openly and honestly.

2. Why is it important to protect personal information online? Protecting your personal information is essential to safeguard your privacy and financial security. Cybercriminals can exploit this information for illegal activities.

3. How can I cope with the loss of a loved one or a relationship? Grieving is a natural process. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. Allow yourself to feel the emotions and focus on self-care.

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